Just for Fun: Christmas
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Fun and Interesting Christmas Trivia You May Not Know

Fun and Interesting Christmas Trivia You May Not Know

There is no doubt that Christmas is one of the most awaited holidays in the world. Besides being the birthday of Jesus Christ, we know that this season would mean gift giving, lots of food and drinks, colorful streets and houses, Christmas carols, and so on. Countries may have different ways of celebrating the season, but if there is one thing that is true for all, it is that the season puts us in a very happy and festive mood. And this is one reason why we just love Christmas.

But as much as you know that the season is a time for sharing, for getting together, and for stuffs like Christmas trees, cards, carols, Santa Claus, and other things associated with Christmas, do you know the stories behind them?

Christmas Tree

Did you know that the custom of setting up a Christmas tree originated from Germany? This custom can be traced to 16th century Germany, when devout Christians had decorated trees into their homes. Moreover, it is believed that Martin Luther, a 16th century Protestant reformer, was the one who first added lighted candles to a tree.

Christmas Card

Did you know that the first Christmas card was made and posted in 1843? It was designed by John Callcott Horsley, a British artist. The making of the first Christmas card would have not been credited to him if a British business man did not commission him to do so. The British businessman was Sir Henry Cole, who did not have enough time to write all of his friends and professional acquaintances to greet them a merry Christmas. The card showed a picture of a family drinking wine together. Each of the two side panels showed an act of charity: clothing the naked and feeding the hungry.

Christmas Carol

Did you know that one of the oldest Christmas carols was put together in the 300s? It is believed, on the other hand, that the first recorded Christmas carol was written by Aurelius Prudentius, and it was entitled 'Of The Father's Love Begotten." And with the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg, Christmas carols became more popular. It is because the machine made it possible for copies of the carols to be reproduced easily. Furthermore, the 'Messiah,' which is one of the most popular carols of all time, was created by George Frederich Handel. He first performed the song in 1742, as a fundraiser for charities. Of course, who would forget the very famous 'Silent Night, Holy Night.' It was written in 1818, by a priest in Austria named Joseph Mohr.

Santa Claus or Father Christmas
Did you know that Santa Claus was based on a real person? He was Saint Nicholas, a Christian leader from Myra (in modern-day Turkey) in the 4th century AD. He was known for his generosity. The belief that Santa Claus comes down the chimney and puts presents in stockings is said to be based on one of the notable things that Saint Nicholas did. Because he wanted to give money to poor people without them knowing about it, what he did was climb the roof of a house and dropped a purse of money down the chimney. And, it so happened that the purse landed in the stocking, which a girl had placed to dry by the fire.

Yes, Christmas and the things we associate with Christmas have interesting stories behind them. Isn't it nice to know the story behind the birth of the every Christmas card or the man behind the jovial and generous fellow we know as Santa Claus? Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2562849
More Than 10 Tips to Plan Your Outdoor Christmas Lighting

More Than 10 Tips to Plan Your Outdoor Christmas Lighting

Are you an avid aficionado of Christmas lighting - or just want to be the best in your street? Well read on for my tips on how to have the best outside Christmas lights for this year's yard decoration.

1. Start early. This is the most important step. The most successful displays in your street have been planned for more than a year, probably the planning for next year starts when this year's lights have gone up. Here are a number of advantages to this, you have time to ponder your design, and make the most of any off season purchasing.

2. Plan, think and plan some more! Choose your theme; plan your layout on paper. Think about colors and types of lighting you will use. Do you animated Christmas lighting if so where? Will you need extra power outlets? Are you using bulbs (C7 or C9), LED or solar lighting? They each have advantage. For roof mounted displays, work out what supports are required and how to mount them.

3. Measure everywhere you want to hang outdoor Christmas lights, then add extra to make sure you have enough length of lighting

4. Work out the number of sets you need. This can be affected by the number of lights (and hence the length of the string) in each set. Also take into account that the length of the lights is not the same as the overall length of the set. Do you need any extra power cords, now is the time to work it out.

5. Decide if you need extra power outlets and get a qualified electrician to install them. If power outlets are to be under roof eaves, then consider having a switch installed somewhere convenient. Ensure all outlets outside and extension cables are waterproof.

6. Acquire your light sets; make sure that the light sets for outside use are rated to be used outside. Make sure you have plenty of the right kind of spare bulbs (if using incandescent C7 or C9, LEDs have a very long lifespan).

7. Before installing your lighting test all the sets. Better to find any faults whilst the sets are on the ground.

8. Prior to installing outside Christmas lights check any fixings that you have that may need to be replaced. Make sure you have the fixings you need to attach the lighting, such as screws, nails, clips or a staple machine. Make sure that all cables on the ground are safe( i.e. not laid in water).

9. Plan to put the lighting up early in the season when it is not so cold and busy. This also gives you time to make any adjustments necessary.

10. Ensure you have the right tools to hand, including a helper to hold the ladder.

11. Put your lights up. And enjoy.

The Never Ending Christmas Recipe

The Never Ending Christmas Recipe

Celebrating the holidays starts at home. And not only there, but it also starts in the mind and hearts of those who want to continue yearly traditions for sentimental reasons. Xmas recipes, or Christmas recipes, are a great way to continue yearly traditions within your own family.

In my family, we've taken recipes going back to our great, great grandparents and choose one every year to create and then to add something else to it. This way, we honor the tradition set by our fore parents and add our own element of personality to it as well. The best way to look at it is that you're creating something bigger than yourself.

Take last years rum pie pudding. My brother and I took elements from a Christmas over 40 years ago and created a pudding out of it.Needless to say, it was a hit with everyone at the table, but we got asked why pudding? Why not pudding was our answer! I can't think of someone who doesn't like pudding, i mean come on now.

But that's the element of added personality. And you can do it with almost any recipe. Just add that one extra spice or twist to it and make it your own. Let's take a kids treat, reindeer antlers. What you're going to want to do is take a candy cane and wrap licorice strings around the base of the cane near the loop and tie a knot. That could be the end all, be all the treat, but take it one step further. Dip the candy cane in melted chocolate and then freeze the candy cane.

Take the candy cane out of the freezer and then tie on the licorice. Instant classic!

So in the end, just take something old as a recipe in your family, and turn it into something new by adding your own personality to it. It's fun and it will allow your own legacy to continue on in the Christmas years to come!
Unique Christmas Traditions From All Over the World

Unique Christmas Traditions From All Over the World

People from all over the world celebrate Christmas in so many different ways and you will be quite surprised at the stories behind many of these Christmas traditions.

Did you even know that Christmas Day, the 25th of December, was previously a holiday which can be transferred from one date to another? It was not only in the 4th century AD when Pope Julius I made it official and set December 25th as Christmas Day. This day matched the pagan ritual for the winter solstice also known as the feast for the Return of the Sun. It was meant to reinstate a Christmas celebration in place of the pagan ritual.

As for how the rest of the world celebrates Christmas, here they are.

France - Christmas in France is known as Noel drawn from the French expression "les bonnes nouvelles" which means "the good news" and denotes the gospel. Based on the French belief that farmers who burn a log from Christmas Eve to New Year's Day have an abundant harvest the following year, some families are burning a log from their homes.

Germany - Christmas in Germany are characterized by Christmas trees dating back as far as the 16th century. They quickly spread all over the world and then to England when Queen Victoria's husband, Albert came from Germany and brought this tradition.

Norway - After the family dinner and opening of the presents, Norwegians hide their brooms in accordance to the belief that witches and other spirits will come out during Christmas Eve and steal their brooms. Another Christmas custom in Norway is to gather the finest wheat from the harvest, put away until Christmas and then attached these to poles from branches. The head of the household checks this just before sunset and if there are sparrows seen to be consuming this is seen to be an indication of a good year for crops.

Philippines - Even 200 years before the arrival of Ferdinand Magellan and Christianity, historical accounts have determined that people are already holding Christmas festivities.

Poland - Polish families also prepare a twelve course dinner for Christmas Eve however unlike the Ukrainians, this feast is composed of twelve non-meat dishes which stand for the twelve months of the year. Most dishes include specialties of carp, herring, and other fish.

Ukraine - Households prepare stew with meat the day before Christmas. They also set up a twelve course Christmas dinner. The youngest child in the family is tasked to look out the window and watch for the evening star to come out, the sign for the banquet to begin.

United Kingdom - Mince pies in the UK is a long standing tradition dating back to the 16th century. Children usually leave a drink and mince pies for Santa while there is a also a tradition that eating mince pies during the Twelve Days of Christmas will bring about happiness in the next 12 months. On average, the British eat 27 mince pies each.

United States - In the US, children leave stockings during Christmas and set aside a glass of milk and a plate of cookies for Santa just before going to be bed on Christmas Eve. It is typical of the American household to have a Christmas. The official national Christmas tree is a giant sequoia which stands over 90 meters (300 feet) high in the King's Canyon National Park in California.

Each country has unique Christmas customs and beliefs. The world may be a large place but when the Yuletide season comes around there is a feeling of renewed hope and a special sense of togetherness which transcends not only to families, fellow countrymen but to the whole world itself. Christmas season is a special celebration which we look forward throughout the year.
How to Have a Low Budget High Fun Christmas

How to Have a Low Budget High Fun Christmas

If you want or need to have a low cost Christmas this year then the secret is to start planning early. In fact ideally you should begin in January because this is when many shops will be selling there overstocked Christmas cards and decorations at half price or less.

In the current financial climate many families are going to be finding that they have less money to spend on those little "extras" that make Christmas time so special. However, with a little advance thought and planning it is possible to cut the cost of the festive season without having to reduce the pleasure factor.

These days' people tend to spend a considerable amount of money decorating both the inside and the outside of their houses. It is a good idea if you check the decorations you already have to see what if anything that you will need for next Christmas. It is surprising how many people buy new decorations every year when there is really no need. Additionally one of the best places to look for Christmas decorations at a ridiculously cheap price is your local flea market, yard or car boot sale. You can get some remarkable bargains especially artificial trees, lights and decorations if you look around at these events during the summer.

One of the biggest costs associated with Christmas are the presents that we buy for friends and family. Obviously only you know how much you are prepared to budget for presents for your close family but by planning ahead there is a way to save money on some presents. Have you noticed how at Christmas time many shop offer boxed gift sets. There are sets for golfers, wine lovers, gardeners and a whole host of other subjects. There are also perfume sets, boxed after shave , toiletries and game sets.

I have not got any statistics but it would be interesting to know how many of these presents ever actually get used. The reason for asking this is the number of unopened gift sets I see for sale at flea markets. Many are in boxed mint condition and can easily be recycled as gifts for friends or family.

At one time Christmas shopping involved going from shop to shop and fighting the crowds but not anymore. By doing much of your Christmas shopping on the Internet you can save time and money and avoid a lot of frustration.

To really save money there is no reason why you should not make your own Christmas decorations and Crackers. This can be a project that you can involve younger children and there are plenty of online videos on You Tube that will show you how to start.

It may be too late for this year but if you and your family can open their presents carefully you can save the wrapping paper for next Christmas. It is also easy to convert this years Christmas cards into next years gift tags.

Remember, with a little planning it is possible to cut the cost of Christmas without cutting the pleasure.
Have an Environmentally Friendly Christmas

Have an Environmentally Friendly Christmas

Christmas is a great time of year to let your hair down, have fun and generally enjoy a little excess. However, it's also the period in which most waste occurs and taking a little time to find alternative ways of celebrating the festive season can significantly limit the impact that this has on the environment without reducing your enjoyment.

Cards & Packaging
One of the greatest causes of waste at any time of year, packaging is a particular problem at Christmas time. Christmas cards also use a great deal of resources to produce and many are simply thrown away when the holidays are over. The simplest way to help reduce the waste involved is to re-use carrier bags, opt for recycled cards, use recycled wrapping paper for gifts and tie with ribbon or string so that it can be easily re-used or recycled afterwards.

Bottles and Cans
More drinks are consumed over the Christmas season than at any other time in the year and the amount of waste bottles, cans and containers produced as a consequence is quite staggering. Virtually all glass and metal drink containers can be easily recycled so make a point of collecting these together for a trip to your local bottle bank or recycling centre once the festivities are over. Even the aluminium foil used for cooking the turkey can be re-used or recycled.

Christmas Trees
Although a real tree is organic by its very nature many of these are simply disposed of carelessly which is a real waste. Many local authorities have facilities for collecting used trees and converting these to mulch, so make use of this where possible.

Alternatively you can opt to buy a tree complete with roots that you can simply re-plant after use. Not only is this the most environmentally friendly option, it will save buying another tree next year at least.

Christmas Lights
The abundance and variety of Christmas lights used in homes and in town centres are what make this time of year such a visual spectacle. However, the amount of energy these lights use can be substantial. Wherever possible try to use lights which use LED's rather than traditional bulbs as they use much less energy and last longer too.

Many children's toys and games inevitably require batteries to operate, although opting for the rechargeable variety is the simplest step you can take. Traditional batteries use many scarce resources in their manufacture and are particularly harmful to the environment when disposed of. Anything you can do to reduce the impact of this, therefore, can only be positive.

Unwanted Presents
Perhaps the most underestimated waste of resources on the whole are the number of unwanted gifts which are simply put away in a drawer never to be used again. This is a shocking waste and simply donating such items to a worthy charity is the best thing you can do; not only reducing waste but helping someone less fortunate too.

Environmentally Friendly Gifts
Of course the most environmentally friendly thing you can do at Christmas is to give a green gift and there are many options available these days. It could be a membership to an environmental organisation, sponsoring an animal or making a donation to a worthy charity.

So overall, enjoy the festive season but share a thought for the planet. With a little thought and forward planning it's possible for anyone to reduce the impact that their Christmas celebrations have upon the environment. Have a great Christmas. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2357874
A Great Way of Saying Thanks Throughout This Season of Christmas

A Great Way of Saying Thanks Throughout This Season of Christmas

Christmas season is a very special time of the year, a special time to remember the people who mean a lot to you like your family and relatives, your friends and acquaintances, your colleagues and associates, and your clients. A simple yet heartfelt Christmas card for your caring family, loyal friends, supportive coworkers, and valued customers will go a long way for the coming years.

Most of us spend a lot of time in the gift card section of the local bookstore once a birthday, an anniversary, or any other special occasion comes around. It is so hard to find the perfect card which will best express our thoughts and feelings. If you are looking for the ideal Christmas card to give out to your loved ones then it's doubly hard. It should always be a tradition to give out Christmas cards to those who have made your life more meaningful for the past year and as a sign that you value your relationship with them and intend to keep it in the years to come.

Well, to cut back on the time spent looking for that special card, just put in mind these handy tips:

1. Personalize The Card - You can buy a dozen or so of the card you found, write a heartfelt note and sign your name. Better yet, if you are creative and have enough time to make your own Christmas card then by all means, do so. Your family and friends will definitely appreciate the thoughts and effort that go with every single card you send.

2. Be Sensitive - You have to be extra sensitive in choosing the theme of the card you send out. If you are not sure of the religious conviction of the persons to whom you will send the cards to, just send out nonspecific Christmas greetings so as to avoid offending them. If you are sending the card to your close friends then most likely you know them well enough to be familiar with their religious affiliation.

3. It's The Thought That Counts - Don't be too concerned if you are low on the budget, with the state of the economy today, almost everyone is on the same boat as you are. Sending out gifts or cards doesn't have to be expensive and luxurious. As the saying goes, it's the thought that counts. A simple card will mean a lot and it will be appreciated more that you'll ever know. So even if it's such a simple handwritten card, but one which shows your gratitude, then that's all that matters.

4. One More Thing - Paste a beautiful stamp commemorating the season rather than using the post meter. It's a little secret that allow the recipient to know how much you value your relationship with him or her. It would also be great if you can have the addresses of the recipients handwritten because it produces a more personal touch.

Remember to send a simple thank you card to your family members, close relatives, and coworkers. If you are a business owner, sending a thank you card to your associates, suppliers, prospects and customers this Christmas season will also show your gratitude for their contribution to the success you have in your business relationship.

By now, you know that a simple thank you card this Christmas is not as simple as it may seem. It means more than that. It is a token of thanksgiving and appreciation to everyone who had been part of your life and the Christmas season is the perfect time to let them know that. Let your creativity run its course and show off your knack at getting things done even with a meager budget.
Five Most Popular Christmas Ornaments

Five Most Popular Christmas Ornaments

Initially, eatable ornaments were the most widely used Christmas ornaments With time, their transition to beautiful glass bulbs and other important items began and all these became an important part of Christmas tree decoration. Five of the most popular ornaments of Christmas tree are illuminating ornaments, movable ornaments, musical ornaments, and Edible ornaments and attracting decorative pieces.

1. Illuminating Ornaments - Lightening of Christmas tree is an old tradition. Earlier it was lit up with the help of beautiful candles but now several things are used for the illumination of these trees. Nowadays, it is decorated by using exquisite electric lights, multicolored bulbs and dazzling electronic drapes. Illuminated Christmas ornaments are also amongst the costliest ornaments in the markets today, with their prices starting at $20 on the lower side.

2. Movable Ornaments - these are the latest in Christmas ornaments. With unique appearance, they are attracting almost every buyer. With the flexibility to move about, these ornaments are becoming highly popular. You can avail it in a price range, which is almost similar to the range of illuminating ornaments.

3. Musical Ornaments - You adorned your tree with illuminating ornaments and made it mobile as well. Now, add the musical temptation to your trees. Musical ornaments give a special mood to the celebration and make you more joyful. Besides, with the advent of advanced technology you can use different musical gadgets to decorate your Christmas tree. From gadgets capable of playing a few songs to gadgets having flash memories spanning over several GB s of space, there is a lot of variety these days.

4. Edible Ornaments- Edible ornaments have the oldest history amongst all the Christmas ornaments. They were the first to be used as Christmas tree decorations. Though in initial days there was nothing extravagant about edible ornaments, but, today people are using cookies, candies, chocolates and muffins to drape their Christmas trees- making them look and taste better. These decorations are very popular among kids.

5. Small attractive pieces - There is a vast list of small pieces, which offer a great look to Christmas trees. Many people use small soft toys to decorate their trees while ribbon, colorful crape papers, vintage star, wreath ornaments are also extensively used. These small ornaments not only enhance the splendor of Christmas tree, but also add more liveliness to the ceremony. Beautify the tree with all these ornaments and let people adore your great sense of embellishment.
Easter Craft Ideas for Kids and Preschool Children

Easter Craft Ideas for Kids and Preschool Children

Here are a few interesting Easter craft ideas for kids and preschool children. Some Easter craft ideas that involve children are egg glitter, eggshell tulip, crayon resist egg and Easter peeking bunny.

Here’s a list of fun Easter crafts for kids to make at home. We like to do frugal crafts so you can usually find the supplies we use in your house already!

Crayon resist egg

Craft materials for kids and preschool children:
  • Egg dye
  • Plastic spoons
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Crayons

Craft method:

1. Using crayons, draw pictures and designs onto your egg.

2. When you are happy with the designs, lower the egg into the dye.

3. When you remove the egg from the dye you will have a crazy crayon craft.

Egg Glitter

Craft materials for kids and preschool children:
  • Hard Boiled eggs
  • Paint
  • Brushes
  • Glue
  • Glitter

Craft method:

1. Simply paint hard boiled eggs in paints of kid's choice

2. Allow to dry.

3. Roll egg in craft glue.

4. While glue is still wet, roll egg in glitter.

5. Allow to dry.

6. Your Easter egg glitter is ready.

Easter eggshell tulip

Craft materials for kids and preschool children:
  • Eggshells or foam egg carton sections
  • Green pipe cleaners
  • Tempera paint and markers
  • Hot glue or white glue

Craft method:

Clean eggshell halves and dry them gently. Or, for an easier craft with more durable flowers, use foam egg carton sections.

Cut the cartons sections to look like a tulip.Using tempera paint, decorate the eggshells to look like tulips.

Let the paint dry overnight. When the paint is completely dry, add details to the tulips using markers. You can twirl one end of a green pipe cleaner into a spiral shape. Then glue the spiral to the tulip.
Fun Christmas Craft Ideas for Kids and Preschool Children

Fun Christmas Craft Ideas for Kids and Preschool Children

Here are a few interesting and exciting fun Christmas craft ideas for kids and preschool children. Some Christmas craft ideas that involve children are pine cones, sugar cookies, handprint angel, lollipop tree, and creative Christmas cards and of course decorative Christmas Stars.

There are so many decorative and creative fun Christmas craft ideas for kids. Christmas is a time of giving, sharing, enjoyment and especially a time of creating lasting memories. Preschool Children love to help with crafts and even the tiniest of tasks can make them feel important. Christmas star is easy to make, and they look cute hanging on any Christmas tree, either on the real one or on an artificial Christmas tree.

Christmas Craft: Fun sugar cookie ornament

How to make fun Christmas Craft: sugar cookie ornament

Craft materials for kids and preschool children:
  • Sugar
  • Glitter
  • Water
  • Cookie cutters
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Craft method:

1. Mix half cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of glitter.

2. Stir in 1 teaspoon of water until moist.

3. Press mixture into cookie cutters.

4. Gently tap the ornament onto a plate to dry overnight.

5. Cut enough thread to make a loop and glue a hanger onto the back of each ornament.

Fun Christmas Craft: Glittery Christmas pine cones

How to make fun glittery Christmas pine cones:

Craft materials for kids and preschool children:
  • Pine cones
  • Glue
  • Sparkles
  • Thread

Craft and Arts Method:

1. Spread glue all over the pine cone. Kids or Preschool children can use a paint brush to get the glue all over the pine cone. They will love to make a mess with their hands and will have a lot of fun doing it.

2. Gently sprinkle sparkles on the pine cone.

3. Make sure there is a piece of paper underneath to catch the extra glitter. So cleaning up would be easy.

4. Attach a loop of thread to hang the finished Christmas pine cone. A simple but interesting Christmas craft idea for kids.

Fun Christmas Card Craft

How to make fun christmas card craft

Craft materilas for kids and preschool children:
  • Scissors
  • Craft papers
  • Crayons or sketch pens
  • Craft glue
  • Glitters

Crafts and Art method for children:

Cut the craft papers into different shapes like the Christmas tree, Christmas star, angels, Snowman etc. You may also use scraps of wrapping papers to make the figures. Ask your kid to fold the cut-pieces in the form of a Christmas card and color them. Finally, glue some glitters to the card. There you go...your decorative materials are ready!
Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas and Tips

Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas and Tips

One of my favorite things to do during the Holiday Season is decorate the Christmas tree! I've always had a real tree, so I plan to continue the "real tree" tradition with my children as well. I just love the smell of a real Christmas tree, and of course going and chopping down your own tree is always a fun adventure!

As I've gotten older my preference for Christmas tree decor has evolved. Gone are the days that I would spread mass amounts of silver tinsel all over the tree...which happened to be my favorite part of decorating the tree as a child.

I've been doing a little research on different and unique ways to decorate a Christmas tree and I thought I'd share these ideas with all of you!

Ribbon or Garland?

One thing that has changed in how I decorate my Christmas tree is that I now use ribbon instead of traditional garland. I think that the ribbon just gives a more sophisticated look. I've noticed that they have actually started selling a wide variety of ribbons right in the Christmas tree decorating aisles. The good thing about ribbon is that you can get it in a variety of designs and textures, so you have a little more creative room than you would with garland. Another fun option would be to make decorative popcorn garland with the kiddos! I remember making popcorn garland for our Christmas tree when I was younger, and it was a really fun family activity. Beaded garland is another option that has been gaining popularity. I recently saw some wooden beaded garland at the store (after I had already decorated my tree) and thought that it would add a really unique touch to the tree!

Burlap Garland!

I really love this idea from HGTV of using burlap as garland on the tree. It gives it a real country feel, which I'm a big fan of. You could also decorate outdoor trees using this burlap garland idea and adding some simple white lights. I also came across the idea of adding some burlap bows onto your tree, which is another cute and creative way to add a little country feel to your Christmas tree. I've seen various sizes of burlap garland (ribbon) sold in the craft section at my local Walmart, but I'm sure you could probably find it at almost any craft store.

Hanging Garland Vertically

This idea is pretty new to me, but makes perfect sense! Most people wrap garland around the tree, but why not try hanging the garland vertically from the top of the tree? What a unique idea! You can either tie off the garland at the top of the tree to a few branches (depending on the type of garland you are using) or you can use wire to attach the garland to the top of the tree to keep it in place. Try to weave the garland around the branches as it hangs down the tree to give it a little more character so that it's not sitting flat on the tree's surface. This method seems just as easy as wrapping the garland around the tree (maybe even easier!).

Something Different

Wow, take a look at this beauty of a tree! This tree makes a really bold statement, and there's nothing wrong with that. Obviously you could go with any colors you prefer, but I really like this hot pink and metallic combo. Unlike other artificial Christmas trees, this tree is actually made of strands of aluminum. This would be a great tree to leave up for New Years because it reminds me of all the sparkle and glitz of New Years Eve celebrations!

Advent Christmas Tree

This is a great idea! An actual advent Christmas tree that children can "undecorate" as the days pass. There is a number for each day leading up to Christmas starting December 1st. You can add the advent ornaments right in with your regular Christmas ornaments to keep the tree from getting too bare by Christmas. The pictures shows a smaller Christmas tree, but this idea would work great for a full-sized tree as well. The ornaments pictured are actually little numbered ribbon pouches. You could also try making your own little stocking ornaments out of felt (or some other crafting fabric) and just place a small piece of paper with the advent idea inside of the stocking ornament.

Fill your advent ornaments with fun traditions or activities for the whole family to enjoy. It will really help build Christmas spirit and children will love being able to unwrap a new advent ornament each day leading up to Christmas.

The Gardening Christmas Tree

For all of you gardening enthusiasts out there, this would be the perfect tree trimming idea! Take old or vintage garden seed packets and turn them into ornaments for your tree, what an easy and affordable way to incorporate the hobby of gardening into Christmas. Use burlap or ribbon to spruce up the old seed packets. Actually, the burlap garland idea would go wonderfully with these seed packet ornaments!

Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas

10 Fun Christmas Printable Games For You

10 Fun Christmas Printable Games For You

If you enjoy Christmas, fun, trivia and games, then these Christmas printable games are ideal for you, your family and friends to play once the holiday season approaches.

Have a great time with a different spin on classic games such as Bingo, word trivia, puzzles and quizzes. They are especially wonderful to have around if you're planning an office Christmas party or a Christmas family gathering.

It is so easy to just click and print these Christmas games directly from your computer and have them ready in an instant. No waiting for the mail. They are available on the web, waiting to be printed at home.

Below are examples of  Fun Christmas Printable Games For You

Holiday Raffle Tickets

Having a raffle? Don't miss these festive tickets that make it easy for everyone to participate!

Christmas Bible Bingo

The classic game of bingo has been turned into Bible Bingo! Squares are pre-filled with Biblical Christmas words like Jesus, Bethlehem and Shepherds. Second and third versions included which allow you to customize the game and choose your own words or have blank squares! Generator makes multiple cards. Call card included.

Christmas Picture Bingo

Bingo made for the youngest players! All squares have pictures so even the kids can play bingo. Generator will scramble pictures for unique cards. Call card with pictures included.

Christian Christmas Picture Bingo

Christian Christmas Bingo made for the youngest players! All squares have pictures so even the little ones can play bingo. Generator will scramble pictures for unique cards. Call card with pictures included.

Christmas Bingo

The classic game of Bingo has been switched up and the cards pre-filled with Christmas items. And with the Game Card Generator, you get a different Christmas Bingo Card for each guest - even if you have 200 players! Second and third versions included which allows you to customize the game and choose your own words or have blank squares! Call card included.

  • Printable bingo cards, calling card and chips/markers
  • 2 Illustrations included
  • Generator scrambles 40 words randomly - over 2000 unique cards possible
  • 3 versions included: Blank squares, pre-filled squares with Christmas words already filled in, or personalized squares where you choose all the words
  • Personalize It! Options: Choose message at the top of the game, and (optional) choose up to 40 words to put in each game square
  • Password login - so you can login to print when it's convenient for you
  • Unlimited printouts for the next 90 days

All I Want For Christmas...

A fanciful wish card that lets each guest dream big. Players write down 1 or 2 items they REALLY want for Christmas as if there was no limit! Then mix up the cards and let everyone try to guess who's wish is who's!

Christmas Charades & Pictionary

Keep an entire group of adults and kids entertained for hours! Team up, or challenge the men against the women in this fun game of Charades or Pictionary - where all words are Christmas related and even include Christmas songs and Christmas movies!

Christmas Classic Movie Characters

Just because you can name all the Christmas movies ever made, doesn't mean you'll win! This fun brain-teaser has you match the movie characters with their movie. Play in teams, or separately. Characters include "Charlie-In-The-Box" in Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer and "Buddy" in Elf. Two versions included, children's Christmas Movies and adult Christmas Movies. Answer keys included.

Christmas Picture Puzzle

Picture puzzles are hard enough, but can you master the game when you're looking for compound words? Find out who can add two separate words to make one - using only pictures as clues! Answer key included.

Christmas Song Lyrics

You've heard them all before, but do you remember well enough to fill-in-the-blanks of these Christmas song lyrics? Test your memory and see who can boast the most music know-how! 2 versions included: Easy and Hard. Answer keys included.

Christmas Song Scramble

You've been listening to Christmas songs all season, so put your ears - and your brain - to the test and unscramble the song titles! Each song is a classic Christian Christmas song that can be heard on the radio. Answer key included.
Funny Christmas Homemade Gift Baskets

Funny Christmas Homemade Gift Baskets

Christmas is the time to celebrate, make merry, and indulge in giving. People give out gifts to friends and relative and spread cheer all around. Of late the gift baskets have grown much in popularity. They help you in personalizing your gifts while presenting them. The baskets can be made in many creative ways. They can also be used at home after the gift inside it has been removed. There are many gift baskets available in the market but you can be more creative by making a gift basket at home, by using other items. How about creating an innovation gift basket without an actual basket? It just requires some planning and creativity. Here are some ideas on how to create the perfect gift basket at home.

You can use different bases to hold your gift instead of a traditional basket. For example if someone in the family loves cooking then consider gifting her with kitchen items filled into a crock pot. Fill in all the items inside a stock pot or crock pot and add some glitters and bow to it to make it look really special.

If there is some man in the family who just loves fishing then how about gifting him a conventional wicker tackle box which would help to hold a cluster of fishing items. You can use this as a creative basket to stuff it with goodies such as handkerchiefs, line, a coffee thermos, and some other things you think he would like to take with him on his next fishing trip.

Women just love to be pampered so you can create a basket out of a robe and fill it with various items such as a manicure kit, eye mask, gels, lotions, and lots of other girlie stuff.

The kids can gift their teachers a tote bag that can hold lots of other stuffs such as pen, notebooks and papers. You can put the gifts inside the bag and surprise your teacher. You can also attach a card to it to wish them a happy christmas holiday season.
How To Dress Up Like A Santa

How To Dress Up Like A Santa

This Christmas holiday season would you like to dress up as Santa Clause and spread cheer? Or may be you have been invited to dress up as Santa for the kids of the local school, or you want to visit a party. Whatever the reason be, ensure that you dress up perfectly so that the kids don’t recognize you.

You can get a Santa Clause costume from a store but there are some things that you need to take into consideration in order to make yourself pass. You of course know that Santa is a rather plump fellow with a round jelly which shakes when he laughs. If you are not plump naturally then you would have to consider making yourself plump by tying a cushion to your stomach. It would require some manual help to ensure that it wobbles when you laugh. After you have your artificial belly made, you can get the perfect Santa costume of your size.

Now, it is time to concentrate on the make-up. Santa Clause is famous for his red cheeks and cherry like nose. You may need some pink blusher to make your cheeks and nose rosy like Santa. You can get the best effect by creating a pink circle on each of your cheeks and a smaller circle on the tip of your nose. Even if this sound a bit weird, it would make you look simply great when you have your entire costume on.

Santa usually wears boots that help to keep him warm. You just can’t do with any boot. Santa clause rides on the sleigh and wears furry boots. Even if you are wearing simple boots, they must appear to be fur lined. Therefore it is necessary that you create some effects in your boot to make them appear fur lined.

After you have got the costume and the make-up right, you need to practice saying ‘Ho- Ho-Ho’ perfectly. This would make you a real Santa; just remember to keep laughing and spreading cheer.
Fun Ideas For Christmas Decorations

Fun Ideas For Christmas Decorations

Christmas bring along with it lots of good times and cheer. One of the most exciting things to do during this time of the year is decorating a Christmas tree. This is also one of the most nostalgic moments for the adults and a fun time for kids. So, if you too love to decorate a Christmas tree then here are some exciting decorating ideas for this season.

You can start with the front of your home, which is mostly forgotten but is the most important one to make a good impression. You can decorate the space in the front with two Christmas trees. You can both get the pre-lit ones because they are hassle free, or you can use light the candles and out them on the trees yourself. You may get a nice welcome mat that has snowflakes or holiday flowers design.

Houses with entryways make for the perfect place for Christmas decorations. If you have a large entryway then you can place a lighted Christmas tree there. This tree can be used for decorating as well as entertaining purposes.  You can place the main Christmas tree in either the living room or the den.

If you cannot put so many Christmas trees in your home then alternatively you can get the kids to make hang cloth Christmas tree banners and glue them on the wall. Glitter can be added to it to create a special effect. This is a creative and fun way to involve the kids in the decorations of Christmas at home.

Bathroom is one part of the house that usually gets neglected when it comes to decorating. This holiday season remember to decorate even your bathroom by placing some scented pine, holiday spice, or cinnamon.

For the bedroom, you can add freshness to it by buying linens in red, green, or silver. You can also opt for holiday quilts that are warm and comfortable.
Things That Mark the Christmas Traditions

Things That Mark the Christmas Traditions

Christmas, celebrated on the 25th December of every year, is a celebration of brotherhood, mankind, and love for all. It marks the pious birth of Christ, known to be the savior of the mankind. This time of the year has been widely celebrated in all parts of the world. People wait all the year through in anticipation of this festival. The kids have real fun because they receive exciting gifts. The adults exchange gifts too and revive their bonds by get together and parties. Although different countries throughout the world celebrate the customs and traditions of Christmas according to their culture, the essence remains the same.

Some of the things that mark the traditions of Christmas include Christmas greens and flowers, Christmas tree, the star, Santa Claus, candy cane, Christmas cards, Father Christmas, and the ginger bread man. These valuable traditions that make up the spirit of Christmas have been aggregated from different cultures since ages. When you take an in-depth look into the traditions of Christmas, you will be touched by the sentiments that provide liveliness to the festival.

On the eve of the festival, Christmas carols are sung to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. Fir trees are decorated in all homes and are laden with gifts and stars. The children keep stockings hoping that Santa Clause would come and fill it with surprises. The parents usually fill in the stocking to make their kids happy.

On the Christmas day, people meet each other and wish merry Christmas. A wide variety of mouthwatering special Christmas delicacies are prepared at home. Some families prefer to enjoy privately with family members. While there are others who throw lavish parties and make merry. They exchange gifts and spread love among themselves.

Although the traditions and customs of Christmas may differ from country to country, the essence of brotherhood and love remains the same throughout the world.




This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.